+ info@iidebate.org

who we are

About iiDebate

The International Institute of Debate, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to nurturing the future wave of civic leaders, activists, and catalysts for change. Our primary goal is to empower young individuals by involving them in the political process actively. 

Through initiatives that promote democratic education and encourage youth engagement in both educational institutions and governmental affairs, we work towards amplifying the voices of underprivileged youth and disadvantaged schools and communities.

our values

1. Democracy: We believe in inclusive decision-making and empowering individuals to shape their communities.
2. Dialogue: We promote respectful conversations to bridge divides and foster understanding.
3. Engagement: We encourage active involvement in civic life to drive positive change.
4. Transparency: We prioritize openness and honesty in all our operations and communications.

Our mission

We want to develop the next generation of civic leaders, activists and change agents. It aims to accomplish that by giving young people the opportunity to actively participate in the political process. By opening up spaces for democratic education and youth participation in schools and government, we strive to prioritize the needs of low-income youth and under-resourced schools and regions.

Our vision

“Our vision is to inspire every young person to be an active and engaged citizen within their communities, contributing positively to societal progress and fostering a culture of collaboration, empathy, and empowerment. We envision a future where youth are not just passive bystanders, but proactive agents of change, taking ownership of the issues that affect them and working collectively to create a better society.

Our story

iDebate Association was founded by young visionaries who believed in revolutionizing education across the Arab world. With a focus on integrating debate into educational programs, we began in Tunisia, aiming to empower youth to communicate effectively and think critically. Now, our goal is to expand our impact throughout the Arab world, inspiring youth to become active agents of change in their communities.

What we Do

Our primary causes

Our primary causes encompass a range of initiatives aimed at fostering youth empowerment, promoting critical thinking, and facilitating constructive dialogue within our communities. Through our programs, we strive to address key societal issues, including education reform, social justice, environmental sustainability, and youth participation in civic life. By providing platforms for debate, education, and advocacy, we empower young people to engage meaningfully with these pressing challenges and become catalysts for positive change. Through collaborative partnerships and grassroots initiatives, we work towards building a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable future for all.

At iDebate Association, we utilize debate as a powerful tool to bridge divides, foster understanding, and find common ground on pressing societal issues. Through structured debates and dialogue sessions, we encourage participants to engage in respectful discourse, explore diverse perspectives, and work collaboratively towards shared solutions. Our approach is centered on empowering youth to become active agents of change in their communities by equipping them with the critical thinking skills and communication abilities needed to address complex challenges.

In addition to debate, we leverage the universal appeal of sports and culture to engage and attract young people from diverse backgrounds. Through sports events, cultural festivals, and artistic initiatives, we create inclusive spaces where youth can connect, express themselves, and showcase their talents. By harnessing the power of sport and culture, we not only enrich the lives of participants but also promote social cohesion, tolerance, and unity within our communities.

Delievering Trainings

IIDebate offers communication and debate training aimed at involving youth and enhancing their critical thinking skills, thereby fostering greater community engagement among them.

Conducting training sessions

IIDebate conducts tailored training sessions for Civil Society organizations, Institutions, Companies, and Youth Groups upon request. These sessions cover a diverse array of topics, including debate, communication skills, public speaking, and project development and presentation.

Initiating competitions/challenges

IIDebate utilizes both the Policy Debate format and the Open Debate format, leveraging competition and challenge as primary mechanisms to actively involve youth in our programs.

Career Development

iiDebate envisions a landscape where career development is not just a path but a transformative journey. Our programs are designed to equip youth with the skills and insights needed to navigate the dynamic professional landscape successfully.

Cultural Awareness Initiatives

Transitioning from traditional debate-centric programs, iiDebate introduced initiatives like GAME (Globally Artistic Minds Engage) to foster cultural awareness. These initiatives encourage youth to explore and celebrate their cultural diversity through various artistic expressions.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.


Call Anytime: (216)-98-173 847